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Divorce in Australia

Section 4.8: Post-Divorce Considerations

By: Room Staff |

Post-Divorce Considerations

Life After Divorce: Moving Forward

Completing a divorce is only the beginning of your new life. Moving forward with peace and confidence can be challenging, especially if you’re leaving a long-term marriage. Here are some tips to help you move on.

Be Kind to Yourself

Many people consider a divorce to be a personal failure. Marriages end for many complex reasons. Thinking about marriage from a broad perspective, you’ll see that no one person is solely to blame. Recognise that you have much to offer and did your best for your marriage.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

You are not a burden to others. People are often unwilling to reach out because they don’t want to give their problems to someone else. Your friends and family are there for you and want to support you. Be open to communicating your feelings.

If you’re suffering from complex emotional concerns, try seeking professional help. Many therapists specialise in working with clients who’ve recently left a marriage. They can help you develop strategies to work through difficult times.

Create a Checklist

The prospect of facing life after divorce can be daunting. Creating a checklist can help you visualise what needs to be done to start your new life. Here are some things it might include:

  • Review your will. Your former spouse was likely a significant part of your will. It’s important to revisit it in light of your new priorities.
  • Develop a budget. Most people will experience some financial upheaval after a divorce. Creating a budget to account for your new financial situation is crucial.
  • Change your last name. You generally don’t need to go through a formal process to revert to your maiden name. However, you may need to update documents like your driver’s licence, passport, bank accounts and insurance policies.

a woman rediscovering herself after a divorce

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