family law process in Australia (1)

10 Best Family Lawyers in Sunshine Coast in 2024 (50 Family Lawyers Reviewed)

Today, there are many different family law firms on the Sunshine Coast. We spent 120 hours comparing the best family lawyers in Sunshine Coast to find the ten best for your family law matters. Let’s get started.

What we’re looking for

  1. Experience and expertise
  2. Empathy and communication skills
  3. Reputation and track record
  4. Accessibility and availability

What are the best family lawyers in Sunshine Coast?

1. Shanahan Family Law

Shanahan Family Law

A respected part of Sunshine Coast family law, they have a compassionate and efficient approach to family law matters. They focus on personalised attention and practical solutions. They guide clients through complex situations with empathy and integrity. Shanahan Family Law has demonstrated a commitment to achieving positive outcomes.

Best part

Their personalised attention ensures clients feel supported and informed throughout the legal process.

Best for

Individuals seeking compassionate yet effective representation in challenging family law cases.

Key services

  1. Divorce and Separation. Providing guidance and support through the process of ending marriages and navigating separation.
  2. Child Custody and Parenting Arrangements. Assisting clients in establishing suitable arrangements for the care and custody of children.
  3. Property Settlements. Facilitating negotiations and settlements regarding the division of assets following separation or divorce.
  4. Spousal Maintenance. Advising clients on their rights and obligations concerning financial support following a relationship breakdown.
  5. Mediation and Dispute Resolution. Offering alternative dispute resolution to help clients reach amicable solutions outside of court. This minimises conflict and costs.

2. Ferrall and Co. Lawyers

Ferrall and Co. Lawyers

Ferrall and Co. Lawyers have over 15 years of experience on the Caloundra, Sunshine Coast. They provide expert legal advice across various family law issues. Their commitment to empathetic support and practical solutions for divorce, property settlements, and parenting agreements makes them a trusted choice for families.

Best Part

The firm’s dedication to a free consultation and a fixed fee agreement ensures transparency and trust.

Best For

Ferrall and Co. is ideal for those seeking compassionate and professional assistance with family law issues. These include those in traditional, de facto, or same-sex relationships.

Key Services

  1. Divorce. Providing empathetic legal advice and support throughout the divorce process.
  2. Parenting Agreement. Assisting in creating fair and efficient parenting arrangements post-divorce.
  3. Property Settlement. Helping secure property rights and financial stability after a separation.
  4. De Facto Relationships. Offering legal counsel on matters related to de facto partnerships.
  5. Same-Sex Relationships. Ensuring equal legal rights and support for same-sex relationship issues.

Freedom Family Law

3. Freedom Family Law

Freedom Family Law is unwaveringly dedicated to securing fair and equitable client outcomes. They provide personalised attention, proactive communication, and comprehensive legal support. They navigate complex family law matters with empathy and expertise.

Best Part

Tailored legal strategies and proactive communication ensure clients are always supported.

Ideal for

Individuals seeking personalised attention and comprehensive legal support during complex family law disputes.

Key services

  1. Divorce and Separation. Providing guidance and support through the process of divorce and separation. They ensure clients understand their rights and options.
  2. Child Custody and Parenting Arrangements. Assisting clients in establishing suitable arrangements for the care and custody of children. They prioritise the best interests of the child in all cases.
  3. Property Settlement. Facilitating negotiations of asset divisions following separation or divorce.
  4. Spousal Maintenance. Advising clients on their rights and obligations on financial support following the divorce.
  5. Domestic Violence Intervention Orders. Offering legal assistance to individuals seeking protection from domestic violence through intervention orders.

4. Chomley Family Law

Chomley Family Law

Chomley Family Law is known for its compassionate yet assertive approach to resolving family disputes. They focus on personalised service and expert legal guidance. This helps clients through challenging situations with empathy, integrity, and a record of success.

Best part

Compassionate yet assertive approach to resolving family disputes.

Best for

Clients seeking personalised service and expert legal guidance during challenging family law matters.

Key services

  1. Divorce and Separation. Providing expert guidance and support to clients navigating divorce and separation.
  2. Child Custody and Parenting Arrangements. Assisting clients in achieving fair and practical arrangements for childcare and custody.
  3. Property Settlements. Offering skilled negotiation and advocacy to ensure equitable property division.
  4. Spousal Maintenance. Advising clients on financial support issues following separation or divorce.
  5. Domestic Violence Matters. Providing compassionate legal assistance and representation to individuals seeking protection from domestic violence.

5. Farrawell Family Law

Farrawell Family Law

Farrawell Family Law is a boutique firm on the Sunshine Coast. They specialise in family law with a commitment to supporting families through challenging times. Their team of experienced lawyers provide empathic and practical solutions for property division and parenting matters. Their approach is tailored to facilitate positive outcomes, making them a noteworthy inclusion in our list.

Best Part

The firm has supportive and down-to-earth lawyers who guide clients through each step of the legal process. They ensure peace of mind and a clear path forward.

Best For

Farrawell Family Law is ideal for individuals seeking compassionate and practical legal assistance. This includes those needing guidance on property settlement, divorce, and parenting arrangements.

Key services

  1. Property Settlement. They offer expert guidance on dividing assets and liabilities between parties following a separation or divorce. This ensures fair and equitable outcomes.
  2. Divorce. The firm provides comprehensive support for navigating divorce. This includes filing applications and advising on the associated legal matters.
  3. Spousal Maintenance. Farrawell Family Law assists clients in financial support to an ex-spouse. They ensure that agreements meet legal requirements and the needs of both parties.
  4. Children & Parenting Arrangements. Specialising in children’s welfare, they help negotiate custody, visitation, and parenting plans that focus on the children’s best interests.
  5. Child Support. The firm advises on child support assessments, agreements, and enforcement. They ensure children receive adequate financial support from their parents.

6. Omnia Legal

Omnia Legal

Omnia Legal is a family law firm known for its dedication to guiding clients through family law with empathy and expertise. They focus on resolving matters outside of court, whenever possible. Their commitment to maximising financial entitlements and children’s wellbeing meant their inclusion on our list.

Best Part

The firm focuses on potential issues, empathising with clients, and personalised legal strategies.

Best For

Omnia Legal is best suited for parties seeking a collaborative and understanding approach to family law matters.

Key services

  1. Divorce & Domestic Violence. Specialising in conflict resolution and achieving favourable outcomes under the Family Law Act.
  2. Custody & Parenting Matters. Focused on children’s care, welfare, and development. They ensure your children’s best interests are always prioritised.
  3. Property Settlement Issues. Expertise in negotiating and mediating the division of assets, liabilities, and financial resources.
  4. Comprehensive Divorce Services. They offer clarity and support throughout the divorce process, from application to court hearings.
  5. Domestic Violence Legal Support. Experienced in handling cases of physical, verbal, financial, or emotional abuse. They provide both legal action and access to support services.

7. Toomey Family Law

Toomey Family Law

Toomey Family Law is a boutique practice on the Sunshine Coast. They specialise in complex estate mediation and high-value property settlements. Their expertise in marital and relationship cases ensures clients receive detailed attention and holistic solutions. This specialisation makes them a prime choice for our list. They offer significant expertise in navigating the intricacies of family law.

Best Part

Toomey Family Law is focused on minimising the emotional, financial, and time costs of family law disputes.

Best For

Their services best suit individuals with complex estates or face high-value property settlements.

Key Services

  1. High-Value Property Settlements. Specialising in the division of complex estates and high net worth assets.
  2. Divorce & Divorce Mediation Services. Offering expert guidance through the divorce process, focusing on amicable resolutions.
  3. Financial Settlements. Assisting clients in reaching fair financial agreements post-separation.
  4. Pre-Nuptial and Financial Agreements. Drafting agreements to protect assets and financial interests before and during marriage.
  5. Children’s Issues. Addressing custody, support, and parenting plans with the child’s best interests at heart.

8. Griffiths Parry Lawyers

Griffiths Parry Lawyers

Since 1974, Griffiths Parry Lawyers have been a respected part of family law on the Sunshine Coast. They offer a wealth of experience in protecting local families’ rights. Their expertise has repeatedly earned them recognition in the preeminent Doyle’s Guide. Their commitment to personalised, amicable solutions across family law matters earns them a spot on our list.

Best Part

Griffiths Parry Lawyers excels in providing a tailored approach to each case. They ensure that every client’s specific needs are met with care and professionalism. Their dedication to avoiding court where possible and offering fixed-fees adds comfort and predictability.

Best For

Families needing compassionate support and mediation will find Griffiths Parry Lawyers an invaluable ally.

Key Services

  1. Separation & Divorce. Guiding clients through the complexities of separation and divorce with empathy and expertise.
  2. Parenting Arrangements. Crafting arrangements that prioritise children’s wellbeing and fit each family’s unique needs.
  3. Binding Financial Agreements (Pre-Nuptials). Protecting assets through carefully drafted agreements tailored to individual circumstances.
  4. Domestic Violence. Offering swift and respectful assistance in domestic violence matters to ensure clients’ safety and rights.
  5. Property Settlement. Navigating the intricacies of property settlement with strategic advice and clear, honest communication.

9. McCarthy Family Law

McCarthy Family Law

McCarthy Family Law offers a comprehensive suite of services. They support individuals navigating the complexities of separation, divorce, and family restructuring. Their approach emphasises dignity, privacy, and respect. They aim for outcomes prioritising children’s and maintaining amicable relationships between parents.

Best Part

McCarthy Family Law has a collaborative approach to resolving family law issues. This allows for privacy and respect throughout the process.

Best For

McCarthy Family Law has a collaborative approach to resolving family law issues. This allows for privacy and respect throughout the process.

Key Services

  1. Divorce & Separation. Assisting with divorce applications and negotiations post-separation to minimise stress and court proceedings.
  2. Parenting Plans & Arrangements. Providing advice and drafting agreements for child-focused parenting agreements.
  3. Urgent Recovery Orders. Offering rapid assistance in emergencies to protect children’s welfare.
  4. Consent Orders. Documenting agreements into enforceable court orders to avoid or conclude court proceedings.
  5. Property Settlement. Identifying assets and liabilities for fair distribution. They assist with valuation to ensure an equitable outcome.

10. Richardson Murray Family Lawyers

Richardson Murray Family Lawyers

Richardson Murray Family Law has a strategic and structured approach to family law. Their dedication to achieving the best outcomes for clients with minimal stress makes them a leading family law firm.

Best Part

The firm is committed to sensible, strategic guidance and advice. This ensures that clients navigate their family law matters in a structured way.

Best For

Richardson Murray Family Law is ideal for those seeking expert support through complex family law matters. Their approach suits those who value a strategic, forward-thinking partnership.

Top Services Offered:

  1. Divorce Lawyers. Specialising in facilitating the divorce process, ensuring proper provision for children involved.
  2. Family & Relationships. Offering comprehensive advice for de facto relationships and marriages. They focus on the legal implications and protections.
  3. International Parenting Matters. Expert in handling parenting issues spanning multiple international jurisdictions.
  4. Financial Matters. Assisting with formalising agreements regarding property interests before, during, or after a relationship.
  5. Domestic Violence Lawyers. Dedicated to eradicating domestic violence and providing support and guidance for victims.

Our top three picks

  • Shanahan Family Law
  • Ferrall & Co. Lawyers
  • Freedom Family Law

Need immediate legal advice on family matters? Get guidance from family law specialists now!

Here are the top 50 family law firms we considered in this review

  1. Richardson Murray Family Law
  2. McCarthy Family Law
  3. Griffiths Parry Lawyers
  4. Chomley Family Law
  5. Alex Mandry Family Lawyers Sunshine Coast
  6. SJP Law
  7. Brandon & Gullo Lawyers
  8. Argon Law
  9. Pippa Colman & Associates Law Practice
  10. Sunshine Coast Family Law
  11. McColm Matsinger Lawyers
  12. Clarity Law
  13. Kruger Law
  14. Butler McDermott Lawyers
  15. Siemons Lawyers
  16. Shanahan Family Law
  17. CSG Law (formerly Carroll Fairon Solicitors)
  18. Family Law Solutions
  19. Focus Family Law
  20. Greenhalgh Pickard Solicitors and Accountants
  21. Carter Capner Law
  22. Catton and Tondelstrand Lawyers
  23. Omnia Legal
  24. Farrawell Family Law
  25. Toomey Family Law
  26. Life Law Solutions
  27. Australian Family Lawyers
  28. Integrated Family Law
  29. Trianon Family Law
  30. Noosa Family Law
  31. Aylward Game Solicitors
  32. DJ Hinton Lawyers
  33. Smith Criminal Law
  34. Cogill Woods Legal Services
  35. Anumis Legal
  36. Spire Law
  37. RK Law
  38. GTC Lawyers
  39. Caloundra Family Lawyers
  40. Sunland Legal
  41. Griffith McDonald Carson Lawyers
  42. Armstrong Legal
  43. RB Family Law
  44. McCormick Lawyers Noosa
  45. Lynch Law
  46. Virgil Power Lawyers
  47. Dore and Webb Lawyers
  48. Beckhaus Legal
  49. BJH Law
  50. Mooloolaba Law

Want to find the right Family Lawyer? We offer a comprehensive directory of experienced lawyers. Connect with your ideal legal expert now!

Can family law solicitors help with emotional support?

A good family lawyer recognises their clients’ emotional challenges during family law matters. While lawyers are not trained therapists or counsellors, many take a holistic approach to client service. This can include:

Referrals to Professionals. Lawyers often refer clients to psychologists, counsellors, or support groups for professional support. They may have a network of professionals to whom they refer clients for specialised care.

Mediation and Collaborative Law. Many family lawyers are trained in mediation and collaborative law. These approaches reduce conflict and promote cooperative solutions. This can lessen emotional strain for all parties.

Client Care Programs. Some law firms have client care programs. These programs include access to support services or resources for managing emotional challenges.

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How do I find the best family lawyers on the Sunshine Coast?

Much goes into choosing a family lawyer. Here are some steps you can take.

Recommendations. Seek a variety of recommendations. You can approach family, friends, and professionals like accountants and psychologists.

Online research. Check online review sites for consistently highly rated firms. You can also check a firm’s website for more insight into their services.

Experience and qualifications. Check firms that are an accredited family law specialist. Also, check their track record for cases similar to yours.

Initial consultation. Once you’ve made a Sunshine Coast law firm shortlist, set up an initial consultation. Many law firms offer free consultations. You can use this to assess their communication, fee structure and general approach to family law.

looking for the best family lawyers in sunshine coast

How do I approach an initial consultation?

The initial consultation is a valuable time to assess a lawyer’s compatibility with your needs. Here are some things to consider.

Gather relevant documents. Bring relevant documents so the lawyer can better understand your situation. This might include financial information, previous legal correspondence and existing court orders.

Outline your situation. Write an outline of your situation. Note important dates and events so the lawyer understands all critical points.

Prepare questions. Have a list of questions ready, so you don’t forget to cover important points. You may ask about possible outcomes, the lawyer’s experience with similar cases and their fee structure.

a woman is having an initial consulatataion with a lawyer

How can reviews help me find the best Sunshine Coast family lawyers?

Reviews can be a valuable source of information on family lawyers. However, you must approach reviews correctly to get the most out of them. Here are some pointers.

Identify your needs. Look for lawyers or law firms that specialise in the area of family law relevant to your situation.

Reputable sources. Utilise legal directories like Best Lawyers, Legal 500, or the Australian Lawyers Directory. You can find highly rated family lawyers.

Consistency. Look for patterns in the reviews. Consistent praise or complaints about specific aspects of the service can give you a clearer picture.

Detail. Look for detailed reviews that describe the client’s situation, how the lawyer helped, and the outcome. These can be more informative than generic praise or criticism.

Engagement. Notice if and how the lawyer or firm responds to negative reviews. This can indicate their approach to client service and communication.

finding the best family lawyers in sunshine coast with the help of reviews


To recap, here are the ten best family lawyers on the Sunshine Coast:

  • Shanahan Family Law
  • Ferrall and Co. Lawyers
  • Freedom Family Law
  • Chomley Family Law
  • Farrawell Family Law
  • Omnia Legal
  • Toomey Family Law
  • Griffiths Parry Lawyers
  • McCarthy Family Law
  • Richardson Murray Family Lawyers

Need immediate legal advice on family matters? Get guidance from family law specialists now!